APAM has chosen to fulfil its social mission through an economic activity. Every day, we support 140 people with disabilities by providing them with a salaried job, like thousands of people in Belgium. This not only gives them the opportunity to fully integrate into our society, to gain personal and financial autonomy but also to benefit from a benevolent development framework. Unlike traditional companies, the work is adapted to the capacity of each worker and special attention is paid to their well-being at work.
APAM’s project is ambitious and exciting for all those involved.
But the needs are great and any help will be greatly appreciated!
Nous accompagnons chaque jour 140 personnes en situation de handicap en leur procurant un emploi d’ouvrier salarié comme des milliers de personnes en Belgique. Le projet de l’APAM est ambitieux et enthousiasmant pour tous ceux qui y participent.
Mais les besoins sont importants et toute aide sera fortement appréciée !
What will your donations be used for?
APAM’s economic activity may only be a means of fulfilling our social mission, but it also presents us with the many challenges of any SME. The health crisis has wiped out our financial equilibrium while our needs remain important:
- To cover the costs of the structure and the 27 people who care for the teams
- Replace several vehicles to meet the new low emission standards (LEZ) in Brussels
- Protecting our workers through heavy investment in fire safety
By making a donation, you can help us to make our project sustainable and give everyone a job and a social life.
How to donate to APAM?
By bank transfer
Pay directly into APAM’s account BE48 0682 2843 5027 before 31 December and you will receive a tax certificate for any donation of at least €40. The deductibility is 45%, a donation of 100 € will only cost you 55 €.
Standing order
You can also spread your payments by setting up a standing order on the same account. The amounts of your various payments will be added together in a single tax certificate.
By will
- The simple bequest: you leave an amount to our association. Ask your notary for more information.
- Duo bequest: you reduce the inheritance tax by bequeathing an amount to the beneficiary X of your choice (brother, sister, nephew, niece, friend, etc.) and to our association. Our association will pay all the inheritance tax of your beneficiary X. In many cases, the duties payable by our association will be lower, which is the advantage of this formula. Ask your notary for more information.
A quoi servira votre don ?
La crise sanitaire a fait disparaître notre équilibre financier alors que nos besoins restent importants :
- Assurer les frais de structure et des 27 personnes qui encadrent avec bienveillance les équipes
- Remplacer plusieurs véhicules face aux nouvelles normes basse émission (LEZ) à Bruxelles
- Protéger nos travailleurs par des investissements lourds de sécurité anti-incendie
Apporter votre contribution par un don, c’est nous aider à pérenniser notre projet et permettre à tous un emploi et une vie sociale.
Attestation fiscale
Vous bénéficierez d’une attestation fiscale pour tout don de minimum 40 €. La déductibilité est de 45% : un don de 100 € ne vous coûtera donc que 55 €.